mgc 6.1 021
mgc 6.1 021

2019年4月2日—Download.MGC6.1.021XCAMBaseF1v4byUrikill.apk.fortheXiaomiPocoF1,byDaRkSe7eN.ClickHeretoStartDownload.,2024年5月26日—ChangelogoftheGCamAPK6.1.021BSGbuildversionv2e:Bugfixes.ThisGoogleCameraAPKisreportedtobeworkingon:GalaxyA60GCam ...,...


ByBSG.Download:MGC_6.1.021_MI8_V2e.apk·AllversionsfromBSG».Changelog:Fromthistelegrampost.-Bugfixes.Support:ForGCamsupport,aTelegram ...

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MGC 6.1.021 XCAMBase F1 v4 by Urikill.apk

2019年4月2日 — Download. MGC 6.1.021 XCAMBase F1 v4 by Urikill.apk. for the Xiaomi Poco F1, by DaRkSe7eN. Click Here to Start Download.

BSG Google Camera 6.1.021 v2e

2024年5月26日 — Changelog of the GCam APK 6.1.021 BSG build version v2e: Bug fixes. This Google Camera APK is reported to be working on: Galaxy A60 GCam ...

Pixel Camera (arm64

Pixel Camera (arm64-v8a) (nodpi) (Android 9.0+) APK Download by Google LLC - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads.


Download: MGC_6.1.021_BSG_Arnova-based_v.1.2_TlnNeun.apk. Changelog: - Added new settings from the latest BSG mod. For the OP3, use YUV_420_888 ...


By BSG. Download: MGC_6.1.021_MI8_V2e.apk · All versions from BSG ». Changelog: From this telegram post. - Bug fixes. Support: For GCam support, a Telegram ...

Very stable Gcam port out from Arnova "MGC 6.1.021 ...

2018年12月19日 — This one still have problem taking photos in bright conditions...

Google Camera Port 6.1.021 BSG Arnova

2019年2月6日 — Download: Changelog: - Changes to video recording bitrate. - New lib from Eszdman/CSeUs. Notes: - A clean install (or data clear to remove ...

Gcam MGC 6.1.021 by BSG Settings

2018年12月25日 — Now you should get a fairly stable Gcam with good performance, at least this is the best I've tried so far. Portrait mode, HDR+, HDR enhanced ...


2019年4月2日—Download.MGC6.1.021XCAMBaseF1v4byUrikill.apk.fortheXiaomiPocoF1,byDaRkSe7eN.ClickHeretoStartDownload.,2024年5月26日—ChangelogoftheGCamAPK6.1.021BSGbuildversionv2e:Bugfixes.ThisGoogleCameraAPKisreportedtobeworkingon:GalaxyA60GCam ...,PixelCamera6.1.021.220943556(arm64-v8a)(nodpi)(Android9.0+)APKDownloadbyGoogleLLC-APKMirrorFreeandsafeAndroidAPKdownloads.,Download:MGC_6.1.021_BSG_Ar...